Wellness in the Workplace

Thank you for your interest in future Workplace Wellness events and programming! Registration for our October 4th, 2024 conference is now closed. If you’d like to be updated about future offerings related to this topic, please submit the form below and we’ll add you to our email list.
Wellness in the Workplace Interest Form
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Why does Workplace Wellness matter?
According to a study by Deloitte, workplace burnout affects as many as 70% of employees (and 8 out 10 millennials). The American Psychological Association cites burned-out employees are 2.6x as likely to seek a different job, 63% more likely to call in sick, and 23% more likely to end up in the ER. Beyond the half trillion dollar impact on lost productivity, wages, and healthcare costs, excessive work stress impacts employee happiness and mental wellbeing in and out of work, and is a large threat to employee recruitment and retention. From inside organizations to outside in communities, this takes a toll on all stakeholders. And it can be addressed!
Free Resource to Support Workplace Wellness:
We invite you to download the free resource below to use in your journey towards workplace wellness. If you’d like to learn more about how to implement these workshops in your community, learn how to become a trained Windows Facilitator at awbw.org/trainings.