Online Campaign
Cheryl and Larry Celebrate 25 Years of A Window Between Worlds!
Five years ago, Larry and I held a campaign to celebrate A Window Between Worlds' 20th anniversary. Together we raised over $5,000! Now, in the year that I will retire , we would love to do it again to celebrate AWBW's 25th anniversary. We have been so proud to be actively involved for more than half that amount of time, with an organization that literally changes lives affected by trauma and violence.
Your gift will help us offer healing art programs to over 25,000 participants nationwide during our 25th anniversary year.
We thank you for helping! Any amount will make a tremendous difference.
Donations are tax deductible and 87% of all funds go directly to program services.
About AWBW
A Window Between Worlds is at the center of a network of transformative arts programs for facilitators at human service agencies who work every day with those who have endured a variety of violence and traumatic experiences - and are coping with the consequences. Our training, programs, support and community outreach play a prominent role in the healing process of their clients.