
Family Trees

About this Exhibition

AWBW’s Family Trees project is a unique workshop designed to enable battered women and their children to rebuild a sense of connection with each other by telling their stories through art. During facilitated workshops that took place at domestic violence agencies throughout Los Angeles County, women and children used a variety of materials, including acrylic and collage, to create trees that serve as a visual representation of their families’ personal journey toward a violence-free life.

In creating their trees, sixty-six families were asked to reflect on where they have come from, how they escaped the abuse, and the kind of future that they envision for themselves and their family. A team of over forty Artists, Program Leaders and AWBW Representatives supported each family in creating their vision.

We hope each tree will help community members consider their own role in ending domestic violence with a new understanding of how violence affects survivors, and the kind of support that survivors need to begin their journeys.

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